Go to Market Strategy with David Fallarme from HubSpot

In this episode, David shares the importance of aligning your go to market strategy with the unit economics of your business, and introduces the “Spears, Nets, Seeds” framework for customer acquisition. We discuss both the lessons learned from growth strategies of successful companies such as HubSpot, Salesforce and Xero, and the problem with following best practices.

David Fallarme leads marketing for HubSpot in Asia. He has built and led marketing teams at big and small companies including AppAnnie and Electronic Arts. He has seen versions of the "Growth Movie" a few times, having driven growth & acquisition for a handful of products with millions of users, and leading marketing functions at several SaaS businesses. David also leads an APAC marketing community, APAC Marketers and writes a marketing blog, The Marketing Student.  This podcast episode draws inspiration from David's blog post: A simple way to build your Go To Market Strategy.

Go to Market Strategy with David Fallarme from HubSpot
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